wise thoughts: No limits

The way of the samurai

article by A. R. Berg

  • samurai skull death art

    The human mind will not be confined to any limits.
    – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    The Samurai were called silent warriors because they practiced meditation in working with their consciousness. The practice of Emptiness was of an enormous importance in the Samurai art of war. Even a professional warrior with a flawless technique remains prone to fear, pain and emotions. His consciousness is blocked by thousands of things that compose the program of a human being.
    A warrior ”working” with Emptiness, initially, has to realize the principles of this philosophy, then proceed to master them through meditation, and, sooner or later, all thoughts will disappear, letting him perceive Emptiness.


    An “empty” shell freed from “blockings” imposed by an ordinary mentality, starts acting spontaneously and flawlessly, easily, making the best use of the body polished by years of training and filled with strength and courage. In such a state of mind a warrior is not burdened by thinking, and yet his actions are perfect.
    In a common state of mind, a person is distracted by hundreds of conscious and subconscious impulses making him involuntarily waste bits of time contemplating his actions. A warrior in the state of “empty consciousness” reacts instantly and without any doubts. Thus a warrior with empty consciousness is not only fearless, he is also swifter and he wins.
    He has not only an unshakable spiritual core, but also a real superiority in battle. That is why the samurai practiced this extremely laborious method of building their spirit-consciousness-body. This method is perfect.
    It cannot be expressed by words. It can only be comprehended. Knowledge helps to approach the gates of Emptiness, but you can enter it only by yourself.

    young samurai katana art

    Is everything predetermined? May be. But it might be that the predestination is concentrated on the blade of a sword? Buddhas know everything, but they stay silent...

    A human being is a heroic creature and his ethics are simple: to do everything possible, to advance trying to reach his goal, but if fate decrees otherwise, to fall headfirst at least.

    The consciousness must transcend the thoughts of life and death, good and evil; it must be concentrated only on the set goal.
    Determination to advance no matter what – this is the audacious militant spirit that breaks the limit.

    The end of our Way of the sword is to be fearless when confronting our inner enemies and our outer enemies.
    – Yamaoka Tesshū

    You must be the fusion of supreme spirit and a strong body; you must be a man of action. It is essential to have enough will to accumulate Strength.
    It means that you should not roll back but hold your positions and find the strength to move only forward.
    Most people have infant psychology. They are sluggish when it comes to things that do not bring immediate results and satisfaction. They easily resign themselves from what seems unattainable to them. They do not have enough willpower and stamina.


    young samurai katana art
    Takeda Shingen Art | Takeda Shingen Embroidered Patch

    You must be the fusion of supreme spirit and a strong body; you must be a man of action. It is essential to have enough will to accumulate Strength.
    It means that you should not roll back but hold your positions and find the strength to move only forward.
    Most people have infant psychology. They are sluggish when it comes to things that do not bring immediate results and satisfaction. They easily resign themselves from what seems unattainable to them. They do not have enough willpower and stamina.

    One has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still alive.
    – Friedrich Nietzsche

    To die properly, a person should first understand how he will do so and why.
    Furthermore, he must be willing to die at any time. You cannot plan your life any further than your next breath.
    Death itself is not important for a warrior, but the determination to die from moment to moment at his own will is.
    Alex Berg, Spirit of the Warrior

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    This article contains quotes from the Samurai Series by A. R. Berg

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