Imperial cult

bushido. The way of the samurai books

  • samurai katana art

    There has only been one ruling dynasty in Japan. According to the ancient Japanese religion Shinto (Way of the Gods,) the Emperor was the son of the Gods and Father of all Japanese people. Only he had a sacred connection with divine beings. He upheld their will and his decisions were infallible and unnegotiable. Obedience to the Emperor was akin to a child’s submission to his father. In Christianity, there is a big difference between the words ‘Father’ and ‘Parent’. Parent refers to the earthly, human father whereas Father is the Heavenly God. Hence a samurai’s Heavenly Father was the Emperor, the divine core of the Soul of Japan. Love and loyalty to the Emperor equaled love and loyalty to the nation. This sublime platonic love of the Emperor as the supreme Principle was an integral part of Bushi-Do for the Japanese samurai. Even while on the battlefield or while committing seppuku, a samurai’s last words addressed the Emperor.
    A true moral is the ray of Enlightenment.
    The samurai are the rulers, the enlightened warriors whose principles are intertwined with their destiny. Leaders from all eras can learn from the samurai and their simple belief that every person honorably fulfils their predetermined duty. If you are a ruler, be honest. If you are a bodyguard, give your life to protect your master. If you are a merchant, be decent. Cast aside the lies, and truth will triumph.

    Praying zen samurai buddhism buddha art priint
    Painting "Like Sakura Petals" by Tatiana Berg

    Precious metals and jewels are not necessarily treasures. Rather, one should consider his samurai and the common people as his wealth and bring them up with gentleness and benevolence.
    Kuroda Nagamasa

    Labor is a blessing, respect it. Labor is essential for the spiritual growth of a human being. Doing nothing is immoral, and idleness is a sin. The samurai were obliged to assist and protect the people, even at the expense of their own lives.

    The samurai were established with the function to protect the three classes from disasters caused by the robbers and thieves, and were placed above the other members of society. There is no doubt that the function of the warrior is to bring peace of mind to the other members of society. Thus, it is unreasonable for men called warriors to act in unjust and excessive ways towards the other three classes. This goes without saying for those of high rank, but also concerns men of lower status.
    Daidoji Yuzan

    As a man who would be a warrior stands above the other three classes and carries the duties of administration, it is fitting that he be involved in Learning, and be able to distinguish broadly the nature of things.
    Daidoji Yuzan

    A samurai should be constantly learning and training to be able to execute any duty.
    A person with a bit of wisdom is one who will criticize the times.
    Yamamoto Tsunetomo

    A person’s position in the social hierarchy is never accidental. A samurai is born to bring about prosperity for others and must use his power towards this end. All problems should be solved according to giri – the sense of moral duty and honor.

    It is difficult to call a man who does not understand duty a warrior.
    Daidoji Yuzan

    The samurai belong in front, guiding the rest. There is an antient Japanese belief that the digger-wasp captures other insects and morphs them into its own image, so should a samurai be an example to the people.

    Read further in Samurai: Spirit of the Warrior

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    This an abstract from the chapter "Imperial Cult" from Spirit of the Warrior by A. R. Berg

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